Regardless of the current megatrend, internationalization, digital change, new work or the current pandemic situation – companies are exposed to constant and erratic changes, the world is turning faster and faster, and actions are becoming more and more global. Long-term and reliable planning is hardly possible any more. This poses major challenges for the team and the company: What will endure? How can you orientate yourself? What can you rely on? Where is this going?
My heart burns to reconcile people and organizations in all their differences and to align them with the future. The core lies in dealing with uncertainties, complexity and the ability to constantly adapt and change … and want to! Both a visible attitude that accepts the dynamics and a mindset that openly deals with the inherent possibilities are decisive for success.
Every change process – whether small or large, whether at the beginning or in the middle – begins with a decision between three options.

love it

 stick with it, expand it and rely on your inner strength.


leave it

let go, be open to new ideas and cut off old braids.


change it

 change it, be brave and go new ways.

I accompany you on individual stages or the entire way to your summit goal – process-oriented, effective, sustainable and measurable.
For almost 20 years I have been on a journey with companies of different sizes and industries to effectively implement change processes and to strengthen corporate and management culture in a location-specific and international context.
The core of my experience: it takes a shared, lively vision of the future and what can become a joyful reality there. When life pulsates inside and the fire burns for this goal, then you can move mountains together.
Much of what I experience myself on my mountain and climbing tours can be transferred to dealing with challenges in organizations, in teams and with individuals.
Starting with the planning of the tour and the analysis of the circumstances, through the definition of goals and implementation to the control of success – the goal can only be achieved by the person and the team! – and that’s what I’m committed to.
Together we plan, find and climb the path to the summit that we have to reach, in German, English or Bavarian 😉 language.

Ja, ich habe die Datenschutzerklärung zur Kenntnis genommen und bin damit einverstanden, dass die von mir angegebenen Daten elektronisch erhoben und gespeichert werden. Meine Daten werden dabei nur streng zweckgebunden zur Bearbeitung und Beantwortung meiner Anfrage benutzt. Mit dem Absenden des Kontaktformulars erkläre ich mich mit der Verarbeitung einverstanden.
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