A pocket with handles? Not quite. A handbag can serve a multitude of purposes and personalities. From everyday workwear to a night on the town, a gorgeous bag is more than just an accessory: it can enliven and bolden, at times showing another part of our inner selves. But, finding the perfect bag that meets all of our needs can be a challenge. For some, the costs of leather are not worth it, demonstrating the need for better, more sustainable alternatives. Regardless of what camp you fall in, we’ve compiled a list of 20 of our favourite sustainable handbags and totes that are kind to people, animals, and the planet, not to mention really, really, ridiculously good looking.



Kayu is an American brand that creates gorgeous, handcrafted boho sustainable bags for the modern free spirit. Each bag is crafted by women in the Philippines, who weave and embroider the bags by hand. Most of these women are mothers, and making Kayu bags allows them to earn a living as well as look after their children. Aside from looking out for its people, Kayu is also dedicated to preserving our planet. Its bags and hats are made from natural straw that has been harvested, stripped, and dyed by hand. This kind of straw fades with time, eventually biodegrading and returning to the earth. The brand does use leather in some designs.

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