Personnel Development (PE)

Embed and Sustainably Anchor

You are wondering …

  • how do you link your PE with strategy and corporate goals?
  • which tools do you use to implement your goals systematically and sustainably?
  • how do you make the change in daily doing measurable?
  • which qualification concept is the right one?

I advise and assist you with …

  • the interlinking of your goals with the systematic development of your employees
  • the development and anchoring of suitable instruments and concepts
  • effective implementation in everyday life

If you want to climb a summit, you have to think about how difficult the route is and who can lead it. How can climbing be secured in such a way that it is also feasible for the next climber? Appropriate securing material must be used professionally at reliable points and skills in the preliminary and subsequent ascents must be gradually built up. Through shared learning loops and experiences of success, trust and confidence in one’s own actions and in the rope team is created … and thus the anticipation of the next mountain adventure!
Further training should not be a person-related individual measure that is distributed using the watering can principle. Sustainable success can be achieved when systematic qualification is embedded in overarching concepts and allows measurable and meaningful implementation. However, every instrument and every tool is only as good as it serves the people concerned as a basis for constructive dialogue.
The central and connecting element between PE and goals are therefore reflection loops with those involved in order to make results discussable and implementable. This is the basis for recognizing, readjusting and changing successes and interference fields.

What can this look like in PE practice?

Risk and potential analysis for employees

Targeted and well-founded personnel selection

Career models

Talent management

Competence management

I will help you pack your rucksack with the appropriate concepts and instruments for your summit destination.

Leadership development

Thematic seminars

Development and funding talks

360 ° feedback

Assessment center

Employee surveys

Employee interviews

Classic PE instruments, e.g.

I will help you pack your rucksack with the appropriate concepts and instruments for your summit destination.
Online, presence and hybrid – you can count on me!
German, English or Bavarian – you name it!

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