Do you have a summit destination?

Embed and Sustainably Anchor

Do you want to be on your way? And you are not sure if you are bringing everything you need with you? Is your backpack equipped with everything you need?

You should check the skills, content and implementation options:

Risk and potential analysis for employees

Targeted and well-founded personnel selection

Career models

Talent management

Promote leadership quality – Boost Leadership Quality!

Leaders and executives who

  • design rather than manage
  • To take responsibility
  • have a uniform understanding of leadership
  • are fit for change
  • select and develop suitable offspring

should be equipped with the necessary skills, competencies and practical tools. Unfortunately, nobody learned leadership in school.
I offer you to illuminate and support the tension field of leadership on the levels of company, team and individual in order to achieve sustainable success.

Risk and potential analysis for employees

Targeted and well-founded personnel selection

Career models

Talent management

Competence management

Competence management

I will help you pack your rucksack with the appropriate concepts and instruments for your summit destination.

Strengthen team spirit and collaboration competence

Teams und Arbeitsgruppen, die

  • ein gemeinsames Mindset haben,
  • standortübergreifend an einer gemeinsamen Zielsetzung arbeiten,
  • ein Verständnis entlang der Wertschöpfungskette haben,
  • gemeinsam dorthin sehen, wo es „brennt“ anstatt in Silos zu arbeiten, 
  • voneinander in einer gesunden Fehlerkultur lernen,

need preparation, exchange and support in their team development and progress.
I support you in promoting experience-oriented insights and exchange, building a common understanding among each other and initiating feasible ideas and concrete steps.

insight / exchange



Team workshops and events

large group events

Individual and group coaching

conflict mediation

individual coaching

Strengthen team spirit and collaboration competence

Teams und Arbeitsgruppen, die

  • ein gemeinsames Mindset haben,
  • standortübergreifend an einer gemeinsamen Zielsetzung arbeiten,
  • ein Verständnis entlang der Wertschöpfungskette haben,
  • gemeinsam dorthin sehen, wo es „brennt“ anstatt in Silos zu arbeiten, 
  • voneinander in einer gesunden Fehlerkultur lernen,

need preparation, exchange and support in their team development and progress.
I support you in promoting experience-oriented insights and exchange, building a common understanding among each other and initiating feasible ideas and concrete steps.

Team workshops and events

large group events

Individual and group coaching

conflict mediation

individual coaching

Raising potential and using resources - Leverage Potentials and Resources

To use one’s own strengths and potential in order to

  • To use existing strengths effectively and to reduce friction losses
  • To build up internal competence in the long term
  • To turn those affected into participants
  • To promote employees in a targeted manner

means developing the courage together, listening and looking closely, trusting and trying something out together.
I support you in the development of a concept, the selection and training of your multipliers and service providers. Together we will integrate the knowledge gathered in the process into your company.

Team workshops and events

large group events

Individual and group coaching

conflict mediation

individual coaching

Do you have all the skills and resources needed to reach your summit? I am happy to check and pack your backpack with you.

Online, presence and hybrid – you can count on me!
German, English or Bavarian – you name it!

Ja, ich habe die Datenschutzerklärung zur Kenntnis genommen und bin damit einverstanden, dass die von mir angegebenen Daten elektronisch erhoben und gespeichert werden. Meine Daten werden dabei nur streng zweckgebunden zur Bearbeitung und Beantwortung meiner Anfrage benutzt. Mit dem Absenden des Kontaktformulars erkläre ich mich mit der Verarbeitung einverstanden.
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