“With the support of Michaela Tucek, we have managed to establish an international talent factory for specialists and executives based on our corporate values. For us as an organization, the entire process was an effective lever for the topics of leadership, cross-location cooperation and an attractive employer. “
Helmut Hinkel, Managing Director of GEDIA Gebrüder Dingerkus GmbH
Heiko Baumgart, Group Director Human Resources GEDIA Gebrüder Dingerkus GmbH

“The development of our upper management towards more entrepreneurial co-responsibility was a real matter close to my heart, which we successfully implemented with Michaela Tucek. In the course of the process we were also able to involve the managers in production and strengthen them in their roles. ”Christian Bruse, owner and managing director of BRUSE GmbH & Co. KG

Together with Michaela, we have set up a global process to strengthen our corporate culture. With their structured and well-founded approach and their focus on sustainability, we have established cultural development as a permanent, accepted and permanent component of our corporate development with highly trained multipliers. It’s great how Michaela manages to be a sparring partner at eye level and to combine the necessary seriousness with humor and ease.
Dr. Theresa Overhoff, Head of Company Talent Management, ROSEN Group

Zapf KG
With the support of Michaela Tucek, we have consolidated our identity as a traditional, down-to-earth brick company with our 5 locations and welded us together as a team. The success of our corporate culture and human resource development has been measurable in our daily activities: Cross-functional cooperation, innovation, personal and shared responsibility have noticeably picked up speed. The following two success stories make it clear that each and every one of us can be effective: 1) Employee teams benefit from savings through their own, newly developed, more cost-effective raw material mixtures; 2) Customer surveys through internal, cross-departmental tandems enabled a new, solution-oriented service mindset and opened up unusual career paths. Conclusion: Our constant work to strengthen our corporate culture has not only affected all of our motivation and identification, it has also made us economically more successful.
Dr. Hannes Zapf, personally liable partner Zapf KG

PERI: Implement management guidelines at all levels (I get it when we’ve worked together for a while

Böhringer Ingelheim

ZEISS: Implementation of the international cultural process Telephone call on April 22nd

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